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AMT/Gorman Rupp Heavy Duty Cast Iron Straight Centrifugal Pumps

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SKUCurveHPVoltageFlow-RateSuct x DischCompatible FluidsWeightPrice
SKUAMT315695 CurveA HP2 Voltage230 - 1 PH Flow-Rate170 GPM Suct x Disch2 in. x 1 1/2 in. Compatible FluidsGrey Water||Chemicals (Mild) Weight78.00 LBS

Price $899.23

SKUAMT315795 CurveA HP2 Voltage230/460 - 3 PH Flow-Rate170 GPM Suct x Disch2 in. x 1 1/2 in. Compatible FluidsGrey Water||Chemicals (Mild) Weight71.00 LBS

Price $899.23

SKUAMT315A95 CurveB HP3 Voltage230 - 1 PH Flow-Rate170 GPM Suct x Disch2 in. x 1 1/2 in. Compatible FluidsGrey Water||Chemicals (Mild) Weight87.00 LBS

Price $1,004.05

AMT Heavy Duty Solids Handling End Suction Centrifugal pumps are suited for liquid and chemical transfer, heating and cooling, recirculation, booster service, dirty water and other industrial applications. Stainless steel units are specially effective in applications where rust and/or corrosion can develop in systems. Semi-open impeller features self-cleaning ability that makes the unit useful in applications involving up to 1/8" diameter solids and muddy or dirty liquids, as well as clean, clear fluids. Discharge position can be adjusted in 90° increments with vent and drain plugs for all positions. Type 21 mechanical seal and O-ring casing seal. Pumps are close coupled to Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled (TEFC) motors. Pumps are not self-priming and require flooded suction.


  • Cast Iron Construction with Self-cleaning Stainless Steel Impeller
  • Nitrile Rubber Mechanical Seal and O-ring, Depending on Model
  • Optional Silicon Carbide Mechanical Seals Available
  • Stainless Steel Motor Shaft and Hardware
  • NEMA TEFC Single and Three Phase Motors, Depending on Model
  • Optional Mounting Base Available for 182/184/215 JM Frames
  • Maximum Working Pressure 150 PSI
  • Maximum Temperature
    • Viton® 200° F
    • Nitrile Rubber 180° F
  • Optional Seal Wash Port and Hose Available on All Models
  • Pedestal Version Models Available for Frame Models 145/182/184JM


Product Manual (PDF Download)
