VIKING™ (VR) polyester round slings provide you the ultimate quality in a domestic seamed polyester round sling. Available in 4 ft., 6 ft.,8 ft.,10 ft.,12 ft.,16 ft. and 20 ft. lengths.
Warning: Work load limits will be reduced when less than 90 degrees from horizontal. Angles of less than 30 degrees are not to be used. Inspect before use. Additional requirements and safe operating practices are outlined in current OSHA, Federal Register Part 29, 1910.184 and ASME B30.9 c-2013. Death or injury can occur from improper use or maintenance!
- Excellent resistance to ultra violet rays
- Low 3% elongation factor
- Color-coded for strengths - adhere to all rated capacity on ID tag
- No loss of strength in water
- Resistant to acids - Consult JME Sales for additional information
- Lightweight -Double Ply Cover
- Will not rot or mildew
- Economically repaired, subject to lack of fiber damage or cuts
- Yellow color
- Seamed sling
- 1 in. Diameter
- Vertical 8400 lbs. rated capacity
- Choker 6720 lbs. rated capacity
- Basket 16800 lbs. rated capacity
- .46 lbs. approx. weight per foot
- Maximum working temperature 194° F
Sling Load Efficiency (PDF Download)