The Bayco 2182 air relief valves are designed specifically for use on tractor mounted air blowers. Due to the high temperatures and dynamic air produced by the blower, the 2182 air relief valves have a temperature compensated pressure relief setting. If a system blockage were to occur, the valves are designed to vent to atmosphere once the valve pressure setting is achieved.
- Popular pressure setting for truck mounted blowers is 20 PSI, however, for other applications, valves are available with temperature compensated pressure settings of between 3 PSI and 24 PSI. Customer should request set pressure at time of order.
- High relieving capacity varies between 800 SCFM and 1700 SCFM depending upon the chosen set pressure. For specific relief rates please refer to our website or contact Dixon.
- Installed cup seal deters unauthorized tampering
- Anodized aluminum body reduces thread galling