This Wilkerson EconOmist Compact Lubricators are designed so that all of the oil flow observed in the sight dome is broken into a mist and delivered via the airflow to the application.
- The oil in the bowl can be filled or replenished without interrupting airflow or bleeding pressure from the system
- Once the oil-fill cap is removed, the bowl is depressurized and isolated from line pressure
- The bowl itself can then be removed for faster refill, if desired and can be filled right to the top
- 5 oz. bowl
- Full view sight dome
- Fill under pressure design
- Transparent bowl maximum operating conditions: 150 psig (10.3 bar) and 32°F to 125°F (0°C to 52°C)
- Metal bowl maximum operating conditions: 200 psig (13.8 bar) and 32°F to 150°F (0°C to 65.5°C)
- SCFM ratings at 150 psig inlet pressure