Note: Standard color is white, other colors at an additional charge please call.
Test Pressure: 500 PSI
Service Test: 250 PSI
Abrasion Impregnation
Hose assemblies are available with polymer impregnation that provide additional abrasion resistance. Colors include: yellow, orange, red, tan, black, blue and green. Color shall be pure and even in each hose. Impregnated hose shall meet the requirements of Mil-H-24606B for abrasion resistance.
Jacket Construction
The jackets will be woven evenly and be free of defects, including knots, lumps, or unsightly disfigurations that could jeopardize the integrity of the hose assembly. The warp yarn shall consist of staple polyester yarn. The use of filament or entangled yarn is expressly forbidden due to the lack of inherent abrasion resistance. The filler yarns shall be constructed of high strength, low elongation, filament polyester to reduce weight and increase flexibility.