For interlocked metal hose applications requiring a more flexible hose, HT 4000's unique single-strip floppy-type construction allows maximum flexibility.
Hoses sold in 25 ft. coils
- Extremely flexible and lightweight with long service life
- Construction: Single metal strip is formed to create a flexible interlocked metal hose
- Max service temp: 750°F
- Strip thickness: .010" to .012"
- Available in mill run and special cut lengths
- Shielding for wiring where flexibility is important
- Beverage dispenser hose armor
- Abrasive material handling
- BOP (Blow Out Protection) for hydraulic, cryogenic, and other high pressure hoses)
- Bulk unloading/loading (railcar/truck)
- Fly ash/soda ash handling
- Grain handling
- High temperature handling
- Hot air blower/suction
- Liner for corrugated/braided assemblies
- Protective armor/shielding for hoses
- Steam hose liner
- Truck exhaust/flexible tailpipe exhaust
- Vacuum trucks